Shopping Cart Elite

Provides information on the Shopping Cart Elite integration with ShipStation and links for relevant resources.

Shopping Cart Elite is a Windows-based, enterprise-eCommerce solution to automate your online business. Use the Shopping Cart Elite and ShipStation integration to help you sync orders and tracking numbers with your CRM, and import product, customer, and staff data.

ShipStation receives the following information from your Shopping Cart Elite orders:

  • Order Date

  • Payment Date

  • Ship To Address: Customer Name, Company, Address Line 1 & 2, City, State, Postal Code, Country, Phone

  • Shipping Amount

  • Tax Amount

  • Order Total

  • Amount Paid

  • Customer Email

  • Notes from Buyer

  • Internal Notes

  • Product Weight

  • Shipping Service ID

  • Custom Field 1: PO #

  • Custom Field 2: Customer PO #

  • Custom Field 3: SKU/UPC/Part #

  • Buyer Name

Shopping Cart Elite can also be configured to pre-select a Ship From address for you!

For more information on using ShipStation with Shopping Cart Elite, see their article Set up synchronization with ShipStation.

Connect Shopping Cart Elite and ShipStation

To connect Shopping Cart Elite with ShipStation, you'll need to generate a set of API keys and enter them in your Shopping Cart Elite account.

To get your ShipStation API keys:

  1. Click Generate New API Keys if no key and secret are listed yet.

    Account settings: API Keys: Reads, "You haven't generated any API keys". Generate New API Keys button.

    Generated API Keys

    If you've already generated your API keys, the existing API keys will be displayed here and the button will say Regenerate API Keys.

    If you already have API keys, do NOT generate new ones. Instead, copy your existing key and secret.

  2. Copy your key and secret.

    You can then provide them to the account you wish to access the ShipStation API.


For more information on how to connect your Shopping Cart Elite account to ShipStation, as well as importing orders and updating tracking data, please review the Shopping Cart Elite help center.