The most common reasons you would see different rates in ShipStation are because:
There is a mismatch between shipment details in ShipStation and your carrier's web portal.
You have not enabled negotiated rates in ShipStation.
(UPS only) You have set a pickup type in ShipStation that's different than for your UPS account.
Items in this list describe what may be mismatched, and then indicate how to make corrections.
You may have entered different Ship To or Ship From addresses on the carrier portal than what is entered into ShipStation. Be sure the addresses match on both platforms.
The package weight entered into ShipStation may be different than the package weight entered on the carrier site. Update the mismatched weight to reflect the correct weight.
The Residential Address option is selected for only one carrier.
To correct this, you must manually select the Residential Address option on both and to see the proper residential delivery rate. Additionally, for FedEx in ShipStation you must select FedEx Home Delivery to view the residential delivery rate.
The residential/commercial marker is determined by either the or Melissa address database, and may not reflect the same determination made by UPS or FedEx.
Shipment details such as package weight, dimensions, and package type are entered differently on the carrier's site than in ShipStation. FedEx and UPS use Dimensional Weight, so be sure you include the correct dimensions in both ShipStation and the carrier websites.
This section describes how to have your UPS or FedEx negotiated rates appear in ShipStation. To learn how to set up negotiated rates for UPS, please see the Additional Features section of our UPS article.
UPS accounts:
The negotiated rates option must be checked in the UPS setup window in Settings > Shipping > Carriers
If you have not yet configured ShipStation to pull your negotiated rates from UPS, ShipStation will display the standard rates. Keep in mind that in this case, regardless of the rate displayed by ShipStation, UPS will invoice you for the rate you have agreed upon.
FedEx accounts:
There is no option in ShipStation to enable negotiated rates for FedEx.
However, if your FedEx account manager has enabled discounted rates on your FedEx account, you must first create a label in ShipStation before the new rates will populate.
This section describes the Available Pickup Types in your UPS settings within ShipStation:
Negotiated Rates will only be displayed for UPS Daily Pickup.
Daily Pickup: Must be enabled for UPS Negotiated Rates. Also, if you signed up for UPS through eBay's savings program, you get Daily Pickup rates.
Occasional Pickup: Gives you Retail Rates (more information provided on the UPS on-call pickup page).
Customer Counter: The rates you would receive at the UPS store counter.
Review the UPS Shipping Rates page for more details.
If you have checked the above settings and still believe you are being quoted at an incorrect rate in ShipStation, please review the Rate Discrepancies article in our Troubleshooting Help guide.
If you are still unable to identify the cause, please open a support case and include a screenshot of the full rate calculation on or another carrier site, as well as the correlating order number in ShipStation for our team to investigate the issue.